cooking since 1995
About Us
Creating delicious, hearty soups from scratch is a tried and true tradition old as history itself.
Inspired by this tradition, husband and wife team Marjorie Druker and Paul Brophy started the New England Soup Factory in Brookline, Massachusetts, in 1995. Their mission for the New England Soup Factory was to “take old, good ideas and fashion them to these times. The key is to create comfort food that is good for you.”
Both graduates of Johnson & Wales University, the couple shares a passion for food. Marjorie has been recognized locally and nationally in publications such as Restaurant and Institutions magazine, Nation’s Restaurant News, Restaurant and Business magazine and Newsweek.
However, she is most proud of the awards New England Soup Factory has won over the years – including Best of Boston (four times in a row!). Combining intense flavors and developing recipes from many different cultures, including a host of American specialties, Marjorie and Paul create fresh, from-scratch gourmet soups, bursting with flavors guaranteed to make you feel good all over. The couple has created more than one hundred soups that will warm the heart in winter and cool the palate in summer.
Marjorie and Paul extend to you a warm welcome to “Feed Your Body Well” at the New England Soup Factory.

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
Featured Video
Hoda and Jenna call fan Marjorie Druker to thank her for her hard work feeding people in her community. Watch as they surprise her with a gathering of friends and family and gift her $5,000 from Whole Foods to help her continue her work.
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